The Blood Covenant
Here is the ways Jews made a covenant with each other
In Abraham society, when two families made covenant together, they gave to one another everything they had and all they represented
They were no longer two but one
Families bound themselves together in blood agreement in order to fill in the gaps created by each other's weaknesses and needs.
Where the first tribe was weak, the second tribe was strong
They drew terms of agreement and prepared the solemn ceremony at least 3 animals were sacrificed. Their carcasses were split down the spine and the halves were placed on the ground opposite each other. The result was called "the way of blood"
When the covenant ceremony began the two people exchanged their coats.
This signified the mutual exchange of authority meaning "All that I do, all that I have is now yours
The two people exchanged their weapons meaning ".My strength is now your strength your enemies are now my enemies
Twice the two people would walk through the way of blood then they would stop in the center- they pronounced their pledge of loyalty making promises to each other that could never be broken
The curse was the penalty for breaking the terms of agreement.
Next they cut their hands and wrists and bound their wrist together so that the blood would intermingle
After their loyalty to each other, the family join their names together
The bread signified their flesh and the wine their blood. The covenant meal represented their willingness and commitment to lay down their lives for each other
When Abraham laid his son down on the altar of sacrifice he opened the way for God his covenant partner- Gen 15:9-10
To do the same thing with :is only Son, Jesus on the cross.
Gal 3:29 heirs according to the promise
Christ redeemed us from the curse
That is why we have a blood covenant through Jesus everything belongs to Him belongs to us.
Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb that established your covenant with God
Well, the blood of Jesus has made the way for us to have a covenant relationship with the Father
The New Covenant does not depend on your ability to keep it . It depends on Jesus ability to keep it.
1hat ever God has promised you, He is able to perform it.
Covenant blood by Kenneth Copeland
Receiving the Blood of Jesus
15 years ago
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